Behind the eyes of a writer™: A series
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frēdəm\  the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.


Entries in meditation (5)


Learning how to live like a cat

I have wondered lately if it would be possible to live the life of one of my two indoor cats, and if I were to accomplish this endeavor, how relaxed life would be. As I rush around through my days full of schedules and kids, I often remind myself of the solace I will feel when I finally get to relax on the floor—alone in a space to call my own, just big enough for me, for a meditative yoga pose... eyes closed.

But as I break free from my own little world, looking into the universe that my cats call home, I find that they are to be revered as far as wellness is concerned.

I once told a friend of mine that I'm taking a two week vacation, yet to stay at home. My vacation was to be at home and live the life of a cat.

I would wake up when I please, get someone to make me food and change my water, and then look for a warm, sunny spot to chill for awhile. If it got too loud, I would retreat to a cozy, cavelike spot surrounded with all things warm and fluffy. I would sleep for hours, only to wake when I missed the people I love.

I would then make my way to them to cuddle with glee, purr loudly and enjoy my bliss—sometimes by a bonus fireplace—and life would be complete.


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Feel yourself at peace: Coming into wholeness


What does that mean to come into wholeness? Imagine yourself at peace, in love and at one with your path in life, and then you will know the answer.

You do not need to rely on another person or object. You can find this peace from within yourself. Allow yourself to let go of all the impediments that allow your chaotic mind to take over. Without all of the excess, you are free!

In fact, you can access this freedom any time! The truest side of who you are, peaceful and undisturbed, coexists with your emotional mind.

A metaphor...

Imagine 3 buckets of water.

  • one is muddy
  • one is stirred up
  • one is still and clear

The sun shines in all 3. Each enjoys the sun equally. Reflection is dim and dull in the first, agitated in the second and peaceful in the third. Seeing the sun as the Self, the water as the mind, and the reflection as the Ego, we can make some conclusions.

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A fine ordinary moment, morning coffee


Meditative moments begin with fine mornings and clear thoughts with R.E.L. Copywriting

Dear fine moment... my first few sips of coffee,

You change my life. You hold a memory of all other days, alive with transitions from dreamy to present.

As the fog clears, starry-eyed, I begin to plan my day in a fine moment.

You witness me as my dreams come to mind, as I walk in the shadows of time becoming conscious.

And in the peace of my home before the storm, children sleeping, cats purring, sun rising, even though you don't last long, you help me realize...

That fine moments in life exist...

p.s. Red wine, you too have your moments.

© 2011 R.E.L. Copywriting


Letting go: It's an art to speak to your unconscious

The unconscious is where we are driven. In the same way that most of an iceberg is actually underwater, the largest part of our psyche is the unconscious—most is the "shadow."

The art of "letting go" is the way we drop our worries and pinpointed desires from our minds so that they no longer control us. It is sourced here in the unconscious. This includes:

  • All that we try to let go
  • All the activity in our minds that over-thinks
  • All the agitation
  • All that keeps us from reaching our dreams

Finding the truth of who you are involves listening to your deep words and writing them with the poetry of the mind - my secret innuendo captures your poem

Not so simple, if we are not able to express ourselves from the core of who we are because we feel uncomfortable doing so, it's because we are mentally blocked.

Nighttime dreams are one way to access the genius of our unconscious. Dream interpretation allows us to speak to the actors. Entering into a dialog with the dream characters is a step toward unleashing the unconscious material which then calmly settles in the conscious mind.

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A stress free life

Do you wake in the morning and tell yourself that today will be the day that you will really take your health to another level? One idea to ponder is why you would wait. Any moment can be a time to set your intention. You might wait because you are too stressed at the idea of changing. 

A healthy life makes you feel great but activities that drive our personalities can interfere with health, some of which feed addictive behaviors, stress, overindulgence or even laziness. Although we all mean well and fully intend to do what our heart tells us to do, is following every inclination at every moment actually following your heart and acting with your best health in mind?

There are many different facets included in health. Those that require motivation for some of you such as diet, exercise and mind-calming activities are part of it, but if you are stressed about the plan you have for yourself or the goal you wish to achieve, then maybe you are going about it in the wrong way for you.

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