Behind the eyes of a writer™: A series
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frēdəm\  the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.


Entries in intellect (4)


Are you always too busy: Do you care about your freedom?


Image source: seems to be the new cool to say you're busy, swamped or otherwise not available for free time. Why is that?

It's cool to control your freedom

Isn't the true meaning of living the ability to control your own schedule, which also means living a good life and having the freedom to chose how you spend your precious time?

I fall into this sometimes too. Recently my friend Joslyn Hamilton asked me how I was doing in an electronic conversation. I left the message unanswered for weeks because I did not want to come back with my honest "I'm busy, swamped." So, I waited. Until today. 

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Behind the eyes of a writer™: A series, part two

Behind the eyes of a writer™: A series, part two.

painting by Amanda G. Wright Continuing on from a faucet of words, part one of the Behind the eyes of a writer™ series, the writer is a person whose faucet of words continue to flow.

Write with me
... as if I'm writing you
... as if I hear only your voice.

...when reader meets writer

When reader meets writer, nuances of meaning become interspersed as a vision is painted in one mind, relayed by a dream in the other mind, yet transposed. The writer knows how to allude to a holographic world—once secret, now exposed.

Writing involves a sinking into silence—that is loud enough to hear inklings of thoughts. Whether they be thoughts within you or thoughts of another person telling a story, listening is an art. As whispers emanate words, it’s a skill to listen to the message of the one for whom the words are written.

For, listening goes beyond the ears. It involves the intellect as it mixes with imagination. Capturing the imaginative style with coherent words on a paper that involve original ideas is writing.

Image by Amanda G. Wright

[Next in Behind the eyes of a writer™ series]


© 2012 R.E.L. Copywriting


Behind the eyes of a writer™: A series, part one

 Behind the eyes of a writer™: A series, part one

Robin Ellen Lucas listens to your story with creative copywritingpoetic writing for creative ad copy

...a faucet of words

The writer is a person whose faucet of words continues to flow. There is no on/off switch. But, the writer—an author of freelance ways of the mind—can also take a nap. A good nap. And in that slumber, words dancing (or not), there is an inflection that breathes through inactivity that produces the artistic work.

The word is a design conjured up by the intellect, and is part of a character of the life an author instills.  

[Next in Behind the eyes of a writer™ series]


© 2012 R.E.L. Copywriting


What is up with the iPhone auto-correct feature? A tangled web...

Any iPhone owner who sends text messages has learned with practice that the auto-correct feature, which is usually turned on by default when you get your phone, is not always your friend. After using it for awhile it supposedly gets to know you with its artificial intelligence. How cool! But aren't there some words it determines that you really wonder about? 

It's fascinating for me to try to put my own mind into the computer mind of the auto-correct and imagine a tangled web of letters and words coming in, with many choices depending on the next web. It can almost be like choices we make every second in life, each based on the previous moment. 

Doesn't the idea of auto-correct bring to mind a spell checker, which would imply that if you spell a word incorrectly, its built-in smarts will correct your spelling and thereby come up with a word that actually exists in the English language?

This is not always the case with the iPhone though, is it. What about words that are not even words? I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. 

Also, why can't it figure out that I just forgot a space? It's great at figuring out the missing apostrophe though. 

What about the suggestions? While I'm typing, I see the suggestion pop up and if I want to chose it I will. But, I don't chose it, want to keep my word I typed, see it actually typed out, and then... after [Send] it is the wrong word! 

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