Behind the eyes of a writer™: A series
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frēdəm\  the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.


Entries in diet and exercise (2)


Healthy eyesight: Luteins, red wine and computers

I went to the optometrist today for my first time in all my years—having 20/20 vision all my life—because I noticed that in the last year or so, I am no longer able to read the fine print on my iPhone. For that matter, I cannot focus on anything anymore that is within a one-foot distance from my eyes. This is new for me.

Short of getting reading glasses, which I'm actually excited about for the first time in my life, I wanted to get a detailed eye exam to find out the real scoop on my eyes and get an expert opinion on how to proceed.

To make a long story short, I was prescribed luteins. Or should I say, more luteins—in other words, red wine. As a red wine enthusiast (both consumer and wine-tasting tour-vacationer), I am continually happy to hear of the health benefits of my beverage of choice. My only alcoholic beverage, in fact.

red wine grapes

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A stress free life

Do you wake in the morning and tell yourself that today will be the day that you will really take your health to another level? One idea to ponder is why you would wait. Any moment can be a time to set your intention. You might wait because you are too stressed at the idea of changing. 

A healthy life makes you feel great but activities that drive our personalities can interfere with health, some of which feed addictive behaviors, stress, overindulgence or even laziness. Although we all mean well and fully intend to do what our heart tells us to do, is following every inclination at every moment actually following your heart and acting with your best health in mind?

There are many different facets included in health. Those that require motivation for some of you such as diet, exercise and mind-calming activities are part of it, but if you are stressed about the plan you have for yourself or the goal you wish to achieve, then maybe you are going about it in the wrong way for you.

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