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Feel yourself at peace: Coming into wholeness


Nature photography by Simeon Schatz draws the web site audience in to their heartsWhat does that mean to come into wholeness? Imagine yourself at peace, in love and at one with your path in life, and then you will know the answer.

You do not need to rely on another person or object. You can find this peace from within yourself. Allow yourself to let go of all the impediments that allow your chaotic mind to take over. Without all of the excess, you are free!

In fact, you can access this freedom any time! The truest side of who you are, peaceful and undisturbed, coexists with your emotional mind.

A metaphor...

Imagine 3 buckets of water.

  • one is muddy
  • one is stirred up
  • one is still and clear

The sun shines in all 3. Each enjoys the sun equally. Reflection is dim and dull in the first, agitated in the second and peaceful in the third. Seeing the sun as the Self, the water as the mind, and the reflection as the Ego, we can make some conclusions.

The true self is a constant, independent of how the mind acts. If the mind appears to reflect "muddy water" it sees dullness and depression. If it appears to reflect agitation, it will feel like breaking apart into pieces. If it appears to reflect stillness and clarity, however, it will feel a profound peacefulness.

So, if I am seeing muddy water, or water that is stirred up, how do I calm it? The answer is to calm the rajas (activity, motion and irritation) and the tamas (inert and dullness) so that I can feel the sattva (purity). Rajas and tamas create imbalance. Yoga, meditation or other physical activity & mental-calming activities help.

Independent of what is reflected by the mind, the sun is always shining and I am always whole. I just have to know it, feel it and identify with it.

[Inspired by the teachings of Advaita Vedanta, Sankhya Yoga and the Upanishads...]


© 2010 R.E.L. Copywriting

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