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A stress free life

Health comes from releasing stress so that you can live your optimal life

Do you wake in the morning and tell yourself that today will be the day that you will really take your health to another level? One idea to ponder is why you would wait. Any moment can be a time to set your intention. You might wait because you are too stressed at the idea of changing. 

A healthy life makes you feel great but activities that drive our personalities can interfere with health, some of which feed addictive behaviors, stress, overindulgence or even laziness. Although we all mean well and fully intend to do what our heart tells us to do, is following every inclination at every moment actually following your heart and acting with your best health in mind?

There are many different facets included in health. Those that require motivation for some of you such as diet, exercise and mind-calming activities are part of it, but if you are stressed about the plan you have for yourself or the goal you wish to achieve, then maybe you are going about it in the wrong way for you.

If your plan is to drastically cut out all of the poison in your life all at once, and trade it for regimented goodness, and this makes you crazy in your mind, then perhaps there is a better solution for you.

We are talking about your body, mind, heart and spirit. A plan for health needs to include each or else a part of you will attack the plan, so to say, and never start, or fulfill a part of it while another part becomes detrimental to your health.

Stress can eat away at your insides and definitely shows on the outside, so you can't hide from it and you can't hide it from others. What is most important is your internal appearance, which if nurtured, reflects to your whole being.

How about starting out slow to come to terms with what will truly work for you. Spend a day alone dedicated completely to yourself simply to form your plan. Drink a lot of water to hydrate and cleanse your system removing toxins. Alkalinize a stressed body by nurturing yourself with foods that will increase your acidic pH such as lemon in your water, avocado, grapefruit and most greens to name a few. These two tips alone will leave you with more vibrancy and mental clarity. 

Try to move slowly through your day paying attention to your feet on the ground as you move—preferably barefooted. Yoga, pranayama breathing, meditation and music can assist you greatly in your effort.

Slowly without trying you will find yourself formulating the formula for your stress free life. Keep a journal handy and write down whatever inspires you. If you're lucky you'll end the day with a wise mantra, a list or even a heart-opening poem. Without even knowing it you'll probably feel a connection with your spirit and life force.

At this point, you will know what you need to do, and will do it with ease in a way which supports your life customized to you. 

One final hint: don't tell anyone your grand plan. You are doing this for yourself, not for anyone else.  Others will notice the new you emanating from the old you in no time...



© 2010 R.E.L. Copywriting

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