practice gallery

behind the eyes

what she thinks and how and why


\biˈhīnd\  at or to the far side of (something), typically so as to be hidden by it.


Behind the eyes of a writer™

i am thinking... are you?

Behind the eyes of a writer™ is a series written by me which captures my thought process as I write, and motivate myself to write (or not). Each excerpt here is the beginnings of a topic for a chapter in a future book. I am working it all out here before going to the next level.

{the windows to the soul}

Please follow me in my journey of finding the words...

...a faucet of words, part one
...when reader meets writer, part two
...asleep but not forgotten, part three
...sometimes silenced, part four
...when it's all wrong, part five
...i see now in your mind, part six
...when your insides melt, part seven
...and now, surrender, part eight and blue light, part nine are, part ten
...i had no idea, part eleven
...a thought process, part twelve
...a dedication, part thirteen if hidden, you are this, part fourteen
...are you a memory?, part fifteen
...between the letters, part sixteen
...all i am, known, part seventeen
...a shield strong as stone, part eighteen
...where words come from, part nineteen
...i wander, you know, part twenty




Image source: Elephant Journal