Behind the eyes of a writer™: A series
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frēdəm\  the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.


Entries in creative expression (47)


When ideas melt into words: Creative copywriting that inspires - freelance writer, poet, digital marketing


robin ellen lucas, a writer with a heart

Which words really matter? Creative to meticulous. The ones that, together in a phrase, have multiple meanings—double entendres—depending on how they are read.

I'm a freelance copywriter and a poet. I'm an online marketer and an editor. I'm a social media junkie and a web site blog developer. I'm a blogger and a journalist. I'm authentic, I'm a secret. At the heart of it all, I'm a writer.

At R.E.L. Copywriting words flow—creatively or not—and become marketing ad copy for businesses and individuals. Ideas come to me in seconds or in hours, on highways viewing nature or in a chair staring at a wall. 

Digital marketing endeavors need engaging content to keep viewers; they should be inquiring and investing.

Marketing campaigns, electronic newsletters, postcards and calendars all need inspiration through idiom and imagination. Blogs and social media need lively words to allow ads and stories to come alive.


\ˈwərd\  a single distinct conceptual unit of language, comprising inflected and variant forms.

It is through words that we can see to the soul of what we mean.

Contact me for your words. 

See my Behind the eyes of a writer™ series for previews to my upcoming book series.


© 2014 R.E.L. Copywriting


A stairway to a train to the top: My destiny

stairway to the top (image: clint crawford

[Image source: Stairway to the top]

There is a stairway. I climbed it last night. In my dream. I knew these stairs led to the train to the top. I got to these stairs by a train moving effortlessly on a waterway. I wanted to call someone to explain how easy it was to travel across water.

Upon my insistence, there, up on this platform in the sky, enclosed within a fence with others who appeared to be clones of each other, clones of my aspiration, I was to wait. I knew I would wait, squatting down, arms wrapped around me for the train

Today, upon waking, I knew I needed a new view and new inspiration. Tired of staring at the same wall—although beautiful, offset by candles perfectly set and my favorite artwork—I am now lost. I am looking out the window more so than not to find my shapes that speak

But either my symbols of creativity are all asleep or I have exhausted them. My extraordinary words sit in a silent place waiting for me to find them. I moved my office around to stir up the dust, not only in my living room—along with a few new scratches on the wood floor—but to stir up whatever it is inside me that's stagnant.

to be cleansed & renewed

Now, in my new office, with a new view I know that if we were there then, we wouldn't be here now in this moment; this is my favorite moment. 

All I can think of is that I want to walk in the rain and not even know it's raining.


 © 2014 R.E.L. Copywriting


Today I will write a manifesto: Writing my future with full clarity


image: Kirsten Honeyman pacifichorticulture.comI put it in my calender that today I will write a manifesto. I thought about this in yoga this morning. I started writing in my mind. Then—after coming home—I decided to go back to a second yoga class in a row in order to get psyched; it was Bikram yoga no less. It was a physical yoga manifesto. Now, back at home, I am writing this blog instead. I will probably do the dishes next.

My cat knows something is up. He has positioned himself in a new spot today by the heat vent near my desk. He is watching me. Cats are mind readers. They know things. He is watching me as if he sees the future floating above my head.

Click to read more ...


Don't pass by me: Who goes slowly goes healthy


wishes that come trueThere is a fine balance between shyness and true expression. As if in a bit of a conundrum, I go back and forth between befriending stillness and the gems inside me that open only when the darkness underneath is stirred to view what's lurking beneath.

The words of a song remind me,

I swear that I can feel you creeping underneath my skin. It feels like heaven to me sometimes.

There is a quality of light within the dark—a yin/yang. 

I can feel a side of me inside reaching out for expression, asking gently to not vaporize the energy of the expression into an emptiness. Don't pass me by, it asks. There is much to be learned in the dark that I so easily hide within the armor I've built like a child building a sand castle.

Sand is a good metaphor for this armor. It is made of rock, symbolizing strength. After many years of weather it can harden to an impenetrable substance, but if air continually moves through the tiny spaces between each grain, the wall can easily be knocked down. A simple symbolic hand can do the trick with one violent strike. Alternatively, I could douse it with my essence in a waterfall, or a slow drip to eat away at it slowly.

A soothing Italian proverb leads the way in my life now: 

Chi va piano va sano va lontano. (Who goes slowly, goes healthy and far.)

Take time with the precious gems that have been in the dark for a long time. Once they see the light, they do not acclimate immediately. They need time to adjust and evolve into their new form, with light shone upon them.

They can become like a dream that I’ve always imagined but could never reach. Not until now at least.


© 2014 R.E.L. Copywriting


I am here because you speak to me in shapes

you speak to me in shapes

I wrote why am i here? already when my peace sign spoke. It was hiding then. Now as the leaves have dropped, it's louder. But now you can see it, even in a photo.

I am here still, just covered in a blanket instead. Still,

I look out my window where I type to capture my next thought. I don’t see prompts—as answers—from the outside world, nor news from little birds or squirrels. There’s a shape I see made of camphor trees, only seen from the vantage of me. The shape of an oblong peace sign.

...A message just for me each time. I listen. It is me I hear next. My words. I know what to type next.

When darkly lit and shadowed, it's been a message just for me—in the seat of me. Less covered, its voice cold (as am I), I listen. Instead now it is watching me. For a response.


© 2013 R.E.L. Copywriting


Turning ordinary into vibrant: How?

my heart is alive, is yours?How do you go through your days with vibrance, where each moment matters... It's an art form and one that requires a dedicated eye to presence.

Presence in the current moment, where the eye to what matters opens up. Wide.

moments matter

Vibrance is a way of living with energy and enthusiasm. Taken out of context, it is quivering and pulsating, bright and striking. But that is a great metaphor to describe a vibrant life.

your vibrant life

When you think of apathetic, you think of not caring and dullness. This—staying on topic—is what draws people away from you. From your web site, from your emails, but in general, from you...

Stay vibrant. Be alive.


© 2013 R.E.L. Copywriting


Behind the eyes of a writer™: A series, part sixteen

Behind the eyes of a writer™: A series, part sixteen

be you, creative

Continuing on from are you a memory?, part fifteen in Behind the eyes of a writer™ series, a driving force building words of sentences of stories of dreams. 

...between the letters

In between the letters is a place. To imagine what occurs—as a word is formed, as a choice is made—is to be a step closer to being in that space.

Sentences are made of more than words. Ideas, described. Pauses, illuminated.

While the choice is being made, while the thought is formed (as a bubble in the mind, speaking eloquently or as a cartoon), there is a decision. The decision makes its mind up itself.

Words are not taught, nor is creativity. The space to find the words needs to be opened, calmly with confidence.

They ask,

Do you know how? To be you? Then why don't you do it?

Be you, creative.

[Next in Behind the eyes of a writer™ series]


© 2013 R.E.L. Copywriting


Let your mind wander to your creative insights

creativity has a mind of its ownAn article I read today on the role of attention for creativity by Daniel Goleman caught my eye. It resonated with me because he was able to put it out there... on how the creative mind works.

wander, space out, focus, it's ok

I have always asserted that it cannot be confined to a box, to a timeframe or to a large conference room filled with eager brainstormers. Creative insight does not just come to most people spontaneously—except for maybe standup comedians. It requires what I call a certain zone, which can be created by immersing myself into all areas of the challenge at hand since I never know which moment or detail will spark my creativity.

Goleman goes on to say,

this wide immersion requires an open awareness, a form of attention that lets the mind wander freely. Mind wandering, which has a bad reputation, is actually a crucial stage in creativity. It lets us come up with those precious new combinations of different elements, the one that will pay off in a creative insight.

I often mention that my creative brain needs a special warm venue, a fireplace, a candle, trees, birds and clouds moving by. In other words, it cannot be confined to an office with flourescent lighting and a conference table with all eyes looking at me. I've called my needs introversion. Although it's a form of that, it's also the act of allowing my mind to wander that leads to its creative gems.


© 2013 R.E.L. Copywriting