Behind the eyes of a writer™: A series
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frēdəm\  the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.


Entries in creative expression (47)


Pensive thoughts show on our face, saying way more than we think


"It happens whenever you look at me," he says of my morning look.

My right eyebrow lifts when I am pensive—especially while at my computer—as the left side of my brain is more active.

To me, it is my Scrabble-look, catching me mid-thought into my game--trying to beat my nemesis in at least more than one game. But, still... what is it with my right eyebrow being more active at times?

It seems like it is an indication of the moments when my left brain activity (analytical thinking) is kicking in to gear.

I will do an experiment while I'm writing poetry for my secret innuendo™ and fully engaged into my creative, right brain activity, to see if I see any eyebrow changes.

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Are you able to think outside the box?


It's easy to have a grand plan for everything you do in life, along with trying to plot and control the outcome. Although it's important to advocate for yourself and your own destiny, sometimes it's better to let life just happen.

You know you can dramatically change your life by being more creative in the things you strive for? This means thinking outside of the box and while you are still making firm decisions about what you want out of life, you are letting the mystery of life guide you too.

Creativity comes from the mystery. Trust your inner wisdom.

Don't be intimidated that the unknown knows more about your life than you do. Work together with the unknown to learn its messages. Take a second look at synchronicities. Do you run into the same person, or at least see them drive by in a car not noticing you, every day? Don't you think there is a reason for this, and if so, don't you want to find out what you each can share with each other?

I know I do.

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What is up with the iPhone auto-correct feature? A tangled web...

Any iPhone owner who sends text messages has learned with practice that the auto-correct feature, which is usually turned on by default when you get your phone, is not always your friend. After using it for awhile it supposedly gets to know you with its artificial intelligence. How cool! But aren't there some words it determines that you really wonder about? 

It's fascinating for me to try to put my own mind into the computer mind of the auto-correct and imagine a tangled web of letters and words coming in, with many choices depending on the next web. It can almost be like choices we make every second in life, each based on the previous moment. 

Doesn't the idea of auto-correct bring to mind a spell checker, which would imply that if you spell a word incorrectly, its built-in smarts will correct your spelling and thereby come up with a word that actually exists in the English language?

This is not always the case with the iPhone though, is it. What about words that are not even words? I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. 

Also, why can't it figure out that I just forgot a space? It's great at figuring out the missing apostrophe though. 

What about the suggestions? While I'm typing, I see the suggestion pop up and if I want to chose it I will. But, I don't chose it, want to keep my word I typed, see it actually typed out, and then... after [Send] it is the wrong word! 

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Synchronicity in your work and life


 Carl G. Jung defines synchronicity as the conceptual relationship of minds, intricately structured in their own logical way which gives rise to that which is not causal in nature. 

I truly believe that life is an expression of a deeper order, and that a person is embedded in this. 

I believe you can dramatically change your life by being more creative in the things you strive for, thinking outside of the box and making firm decisions about what you want out of life.

I help myself, and others realize their greater wholeness and how this can bring them to their happiest and perfect space internally, but also as a reflection on the outside in their lives and business.

What synchronicities are alive in your life today?

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So many updates... How do I balance it out?


You sit down at your computer about to do your social media updates and you wonder a few things:

  1. Why do some of the people I follow seem to post every 5 seconds every time I'm logged on? I don't even read their articles because I'm so annoyed.
  2. Who will actually see what I write? I want to get out there so that I'm not wasting my time.
  3. What times of day are most people in my industry most likely to be on social media sites (e.g., Twitter)?
  4. I am so proud of my article I wrote recently and get lots of great feedback from others. I want everyone to see it more than once!
  5. I don't know what I'm doing here. Maybe I'll copy one of my followers.
  6. I have too much to say and don't know how to say it.

Advice: Do a mixture of all of the above. What you are seeing is what social media is all about.

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I love blogging...

I love blogging. Simple as that. It feeds my innate need to write what my soul yearns me to write, to match images with words that create a work of art, to share my stories and thoughts and to get some computer time—I love my Macintosh...

Blogging a story is to tell a story that invites the readers to form a relationship with your brandDo you want your blog to be more successful? The best solution to this is to blog more often! To motivate yourself to write more, write more....

Simple as that.

The more difficult part is getting excited about an idea and losing the thought or creativity once you sit down to post it. To get inspired, to stay motivated, post every day... Habits can be changed by doing something every day.

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2011 resolution...

What is your year 2011 resolution? 

You want your blog to be more successful? Blog more often. "To write more, write more."  The more difficult part is getting excited about an idea and losing the thought or creativity once you sit down to post it.

To get inspired, to stay motivated, post every day.... Habits can be changed by doing something every day.  It works.. try it.  Happy new year!

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