Behind the eyes of a writer™: A series
social media
my secret innuendo
examiner yoga
examiner wellness
my rss feed

blog about writing

creative web content with room to breathe


frēdəm\  the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.


Entries in marketing (1)


Turning ordinary into vibrant: How?

my heart is alive, is yours?How do you go through your days with vibrance, where each moment matters... It's an art form and one that requires a dedicated eye to presence.

Presence in the current moment, where the eye to what matters opens up. Wide.

moments matter

Vibrance is a way of living with energy and enthusiasm. Taken out of context, it is quivering and pulsating, bright and striking. But that is a great metaphor to describe a vibrant life.

your vibrant life

When you think of apathetic, you think of not caring and dullness. This—staying on topic—is what draws people away from you. From your web site, from your emails, but in general, from you...

Stay vibrant. Be alive.


© 2013 R.E.L. Copywriting