Behind the eyes of a writer™: A series
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frēdəm\  the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.


Entries in thoughts (1)


Words, phrases or gestures that have multiple meanings


you twirl your hair?

Does twirling your hair really mean you are nervous? Does [...] really mean something obvious? What about the source behind being late, or a silent response to a question?

Each unique, each powerful in its own way. Not to be assumed.

Although a masculine business model will postulate that twirling hair equates to inequality with the rest of them, to me the gesture means deep thought, creatively-driven moments, uncaptured any other way except through the spinning touch of fingers against hair. A sort of brain massage releases the free-floating idea submersed in chaos to come alive. Calm and clear.

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