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The magic of my histories


Your psychology and words that write your life have magic and poetryI move. I feel. My blood carries my life.

I am still. I look inside the calm waters... and here I find the truth of who I am.

When overwhelming energies arise, can't I see that the water is only clear when I allow myself to move what reaches out, running evermore inside..?

Whether difficulty or pure joy, I can push it away as if to be scared when it is too overpowering...

When whatever it is has moved through me to its end though, with an 'ahhh' the sun comes out and shines on the tranquility, piercing it with clarity.

I imagine being immersed in a calm and clear patch of ocean, seeing clearly in all directions. Yet, looking above, I occasionally see waves above moving past. When I accept it, I can watch the intense moments transform to a gem that whispers the answer, just as the ocean wave becomes the calm ocean.

Even if I seem to be searching without knowing exactly what I am looking for, I can see that it is still there if I invite the intensity. It is trying to touch me with the truth....

We have known since Einstein that everything is energy—just alive in different forms. It is in the magic of my history that I can find the treasures, carved out of my bones, my heart, my dreams, my teardrops. To look at this beauty is to watch time stand still, to let go, and to become one with the mystery. 


© 2010 R.E.L. Copywriting


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