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frēdəm\  the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.



Finding bliss - Day 19 of 30 day writing challenge

30-Day writing challenge through Kale & Cigarettes (500 words)

"There is no passion to be found in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living." ~Nelson Mandela.

Now I know why this quote struck a chord in me today. I've been searching for a connection between my past description of bliss and my present lifestyle. This quote by Nelson Mandela speaks 1000 words to me. It reminds me 'What are you waiting for?' There are many ways I talk myself into believing that my dream is in the future.

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When your son has two BMW project cars - Day 18 of 30 day writing challenge

thinking about teenagers (and how to stay away from them)

30-Day writing challenge through Kale & Cigarettes (500 words)

I've learned how to take on chaos and turn it to calm. I have a son who drives.

He has a new BMW "project car." We (the parents) did not know this when it was presented to us by him. He already had an old BMW that his father bought him for $2500. It worked fine. He spent many hours in the garage changing out parts, painting it, rewiring it, after installing the loudest sub-woofer in the neighborhood, of course. I could hear him coming home. Then one day he announces that

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Mockingbirds and stucco walls - Day 17 of 30 day writing challenge 

(Image source:

30-Day writing challenge through Kale & Cigarettes (500 words)

I saw someone I know last night, mid-bite, stand up and kill a spider with her fork. The spider was crawling up the wall nearby in the restaurant but not too close to us. It's not like this was a spider that is the size of your hand from Costa Rica that you'd worry would jump on your back when you aren't looking and start crawling.

I don't like the idea of spiders crawling on me, but I don't kill them. The ones hanging out on walls at outdoor restaurants deserve to be there for starters.

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Masculine protecting feminine - Day 16 of 30 day writing challenge

Image © simeon schatz

30-Day writing challenge through Kale & Cigarettes (500 words)

It's a theme rising with others in this group too, namely me: feminine and masculine (emphasizing one over the other). Who should we show externally to the world to succeed? To succeed as writers? As financial bread winners? As parents? As entrepreneurs?

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Unloading the weight of the world - Day 15 of 30 day writing challenge

(Image source:

30-Day writing challenge through Kale & Cigarettes (500 words)

I have a unique iPhone text sound for my favorite people. I dreamed this morning right before waking up of one of my favorite person text sounds. While still dreaming, the text read "I dropped 10". Then I woke up. I laid there in bed trying to figure out what it meant.

Just drop it

What, he dropped 10 lbs? He fell down 10 steps?

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Absorbing vulnerability through humor - Day 14 of 30 day writing challenge

Monty Python killer rabbit (Source:

30-Day writing challenge through Kale & Cigarettes (500 words)

I had a dream last night of a cave where I've got giant tongs to reach into the cave and pull out stuff that needs to go. I pulled out one big black thing with tentacles that I wanted to throw away quickly without any of it touching me. I said, "My Vulnerability". I was in the desert and knew that I could throw it in the hot sand to put an end to it. Sand absorbed its stickiness so it would no longer attach to me.

I killed my vulnerability...

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True awareness - Day 13 of 30 day writing challenge

30-Day writing challenge through Kale & Cigarettes (500 words)

I am deep into an introspective place right now. It's a place of sophrosyne—a healthy state of mind characterized by self-control, moderation, and a deep awareness of one's true self, and resulting in true happiness. I'm thinking about the different levels inside myself I traverse. There are definitely different levels. I notice it today as I'm basking in euphoric overall pain, induced by the weather. With my daily morning spiritual yoga practice, I become ultra sensitive to any changes. Today is different.

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New tricks? - Day 11 of 30 day writing challenge

My old dog learning a new trick

30-Day writing challenge through Kale & Cigarettes (500 words)

You can't teach an old dog new tricks. Cliché I know. Or can you? When I met my parents for dinner last night, a conversation came up around the food choices we make when we're older. [I think that in the back of my mind each day I am preparing for my next day's theme]. I immediately knew that I need to write about the old dogs, me being one of them, but my predecessor started this and my kids will follow. We are following in a lineage as guided...

Eating the same thing every day

My mom eats the same chicken dinner like every night.

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